Sunday 1 November 2015

Fireworks & The Dead

Last night was Halloween. The night that everyone dresses up in costume and it's somewhat socially acceptable to be dressed as a rag tag team of drifters all the way to a sexy roger rabbit and even things like other halloween classics.
Devils are another acceptable costume on halloween, because who wouldn't be scared of the prince of darkness when there are 30 people dressed up like him in a party. But it wasn't this that I participated at all.

Last year, I had a party with only 3 of my close friends and we watched "the strangers" and picked it apart like vultures. Although there were only 3 of us and a big giant bowl of popcorn, it was still one of the most memorable nights of the whole entire year.
This year of course, we went out with more people and did some crazier stuff. Does it matter what we lit? No. The fact of the matter is, we had fun and we made some pretty loud bangs with it so... that's just the fun in halloween isn't it?

Sometimes I Don't Know

where I'm going in life and I can never figure out whether or not I'm heading one way and that way only or another way and that way only. I can't seem to get it out of my mind that I need to be a certain someway so that I can be happy, does it seem like I'm insane? maybe. Does it seem like I don't know what I'm getting myself into- yes, very much so yes. But even throughout all the self-questioning, I've managed to discover myself more and more as a person and I think that's why I like writing.

Friday 4 September 2015

Blogging Isn't Dead

Over the past few years I've watched- what I thought to be- the blogging world slowly fade away into the deep pits of the internet. And of course, I stopped blogging when I was offered positions as a freelance writer (which BTW, is a pain in the ass- stay in school kids). But after following countless bloggers on social media I found that my thought process was flawed entirely- blogging wasn't dead; it was thriving in its renaissance age. Countless numbers of blogs are out there that show off what the author knows how to do best- engage with an audience.
Of course, the thought of doing nothing was a hard thing for me but then again, I learned that you really have to push through with blogs and continue to post content even if you don't get much attention.
I've made my blog really simple as of today, this first post, because I think that it's really about the content and less about how it looks- of course, how it looks is definitely a thing that people like to focus on.
Join me on a journey into the not so stereotypical life (sorry about the misleading title) of a Canadian-Asian kid whose only goal in life is to stay at home and work in his pajamas.